
How important is Gameplay auditing at Online Casinos?

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In the past decade, the world of online gambling has expanded massively. Casinos offer live casino games which can be played on the go. Since the payments in online casinos are made using online methods, you can make transactions within a few seconds. Some casinos have self-auditing options which make it helpful for the players to keep a track on the money spent.

This casino guide will explain to you the importance of gameplay auditing at online casinos.

PlayCheck and CashCheck

Most online casinos have a self-auditing option and this can be used to track the gambling activities effectively. For example, Microgaming casinos offer the PlayCheck and CashCheck self-auditing options.

The PlayCheck method allows players to track their internet gambling activity by providing a summary of it. It has all the important details such as the name of casino games played and the casino bonuses used. Additional options are also provided to analyse the gaming sessions and to improve their gaming skills. You can use this method to improve your skills in various casino games and this can improve your odds of winning. This also helps players to correct their mistakes and improve the overall gameplay.

CashCheck method helps players to review the deposit and withdrawal records along with the timestamps. For example, the exact time the casino processed your request and issued your due cash. This gives the complete picture of gambling to a player and helps him to limit the useless flow of money.

Why should you audit your gameplay?

Casino games are used to have fun and entertainment, but these games of chance also involve money. You can either win or lose a certain amount of money in online casino games. Hence, it is very important to keep track of the money won and lost. For instance, a detailed record of the money wagered helps the player in deciding whether to play in the casino or switch to another one and this also applies to live casino games. Players can easily find out if the particular game is worth playing or not using their gaming history.

Software allows players to set financial restrictions

The software available helps casino players to reduce the risk of becoming a problem gambler. These software implementations assist casino members in lowering the chances of financial problems because of gambling.

Under the casino’s responsible gambling section, the software helps:

  • To set a weekly budget
  • Betting more than they can afford
  • Avoid tilting by setting a cool-off period
  • Prevent people from chasing their losses

Option available

  • Setting deposit limits

Most online casinos in the UK give its members the chance to set deposit limits. This is commonly set to 1 week and cannot be changed for 7 days once set. Therefore, if your budget is £200 per week, you can set the deposit at £200 for the week and the casino won’t let you deposit more than this amount.

Self-imposed deposit limits are an accumulative amount for the entire week. For instance, if you made two £100 deposits and attempt a 3rd £100 deposit, you would be denied until the 7-day limit is over.

  • Restrict table limits

Some players are susceptible to chasing their losses. This feature is not available at all online casinos, but it is slowly becoming common. Players increase their stake value after losses and this lead player into further financial difficulty. This option is perfect for those that can identify with this line of thought. Players set maximum betting amount for the week and they are unable to bet on games higher than the limit.


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